What is your greatest achievement at CASCO Pet?
Generally the sense of achievement that comes with being a fundamental member of some interesting installs. One of my most memorable was being sent to Sweden very early in my role to install a large aquatic system for a pet store Djuren's Varld in Nattraby. Although this had a lot of teething issues we managed to complete it with an extremely happy customers and I learnt a lot! I also returned to this site several weeks later and solely installed an extensive saltwater mixing station.
What does a typical day look like for you?
Rarely a day looks the same as another. However, a day might typically include 2-3 jobs depending on travel and it will usually take you all over the UK. This means you get to see a lot of different places and frequently stay away from home.
What do you enjoy most about working at CASCO Pet?
I have now been happily working for CASCO Pet for over 3 years as an installation technician. The job can be very intense but also satisfying to see the end results and how amazing some of our installs can be, especially for some of our more specialist ones. The job entails a lot of travelling in and around the UK and Ireland predominantly and we can easily cover 1000 miles each week. I enjoy the role a lot as its not repetitive and constantly problem solving to create the best outcome for the clients.

About the team

Martin’s Bio:
After school I studied animal management at Northumberland College while working at an aquatic centre within a garden centre, which gave me extensive insight into the domestic and exotic pet industry. When I graduated, I went from part time work at Pets at Home to full time co-managing a specialist aquatic store, I also sometimes worked at different sites whilst doing a role called airlock around the North East. After that, I decided to progress into the zoo industry and served as head keeper at Kirkley Hall Zoological Gardens for 10 years. During this time, I worked with a range of exotic species from poison dart frogs, parrots, waterfowls, to capybara and squirrel monkeys. I then decided to combine my experience in both the pet and zoo industry to form my current role as installation technician here at CASCO Pet.
Animals have always been a big part of my life. I have owned dogs, parrots, parakeets, praying mantids, and various other small animals at home growing up. I have always been fond of aquatics, particularly amphibians and marine fish. I have a marine tank at home with various soft and hard corals, invertebrates, and fish. On holiday, I spend most of my time in the sea geeking out over various aquatic creatures, snorkelling around coral reefs. I am currently completing my PADI diving course in preparation for a scuba diving holiday to Mauritius next year. I do have some other hobbies besides anything wildlife related, I quite enjoy building and gardening in my spare time and a bit of clay pigeon shooting.

John’s Bio:
I live in Oswestry, a small town in Shropshire with my wife and two kids. Out of school and college I did some zoo work that then led me into the pet industry. I then spent 7 years working for maidenhead aquatics which gave me experience and knowledge in my hobby as a fish keeper, but also in the industry. Having been very hands on in this previous job gave me the skills I need for the role of technician at CASCO Pet. Outside of work my hobbies include rock climbing and archery.