Eine erstklassige Lernumgebung
Cronton Sixth Form College's Animal Management course is designed to provide the best ‘hands on’ experience in animal management. Covering an outstanding blend of practical and theoretical activities across a wide range of animals and their care, management and well-being. As the students take over the responsibility for handling and maintaining the animals it was extremely important for them to provide first class equipment that is widely used within the pet and veterinary industries.
Die komplette Installation umfasste die folgenden Unterkünfte;
- 7 x 3-stöckige Reptilieneinheiten
- 2 hohe Baumeinheiten
- 4 große "Kleintier"-Gehege
- 2 Volieren
So kann das College Meerschweinchen, Kaninchen, Schildkröten, Schlangen, Reptilien, Vögel und Stabheuschrecken unterbringen, um nur einige zu nennen